Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This morning I was thinking about what we are entrusted with in... around my birthday I do a little evaluating... thinking. What has this year meant, what will the next year hold. What to do with what we have, will I be a wall flower or will I dance?

I thought about being fearless... pursuing and reflecting who we are on the inside. Not a polite facade but the depths of what we feel and who we are. I thought to myself... if I were really brave, how would I choose? With work, with service, with life. It is for freedom that we are free, after all!

What about continuing to dream and learn. Continuing as the scholar throughout our lives. Where would we go? Scores of paths and opportunities I think.

I read Matthew 25 about the virgins and their oil. Oil talks about intimacy, passion, worship. I don't want to run out of oil. I want to be a seeker of the real thing. The stuff that's under the surface. I also want to seek the One that entrusted our passions to us in the first place, the Giver not just the gift.

I hope my ramblings make some kind of sense, from one 'reflector' to another.
Pursue the better things!

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