~2 Corinthians
A new year does bring a sense of hope, a time for planning and reflection, the dawn of new light... fresh vision.
"Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us"
A time to think about ourselves, body, soul and spirit and to think about others. To trust our steadfast God to use our frail form to shine hope in an ever darkening world. To truly be salt and light in the daily fabric of our lives and to love, without which we would just be clanging bells of noise. Because its His goodness that draws man to repentance.
"An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge"
~John Wesley
May the thread of 2012 be boldy woven with fruit that abides and feeds others by His grace... and now abide faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
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