Saturday, November 19, 2011

The conveying wife

I read these words this morning by Oswald Chambers and was really moved and encouraged at the role a wife can play...

In a letter to Biddy's (his wife) mother, Oswald freely praised his wife: "As for Biddy I love her and I am her husband but I do not believe it is possible to exaggerate what she has been in the way of a Sacrament out here - God conveying His presence through the common elements of an ordinary life."

A common life of habit, service, love is not common in the pedestrian sense at all but a thing of beauty, stability and sacredness. A marriage is a mirror of Christ's love for the church... wives are an influence and a safe haven, a beautiful thing. Only in Him can this grace be lived consistently, "the love of Christ compels us".

St Augustine said that a Sacrament was a 'outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace'. May our lives convey this truth.

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