We bought large pots and a large piece of land... to be filled. To be filled.
How could the mother know... as she spoke of all the voices jostling for her attention, how the noise needed to be stilled. "One person talks at a time", she told her children. It makes sense. I nodded in sympathy, but truthfully it sounded like a beautiful sound to me. A harmony of discord. I closed my eyes for a moment and wondered what it must have felt like.
I felt a tightness in my throat and a emptiness in my stomach. Silly, yes. I hadn't thought of it for so long. That one is so solitary a number. I had passed it on. Trusting His course, knowing that He knew where my precious one would walk and what she would need. Leaning not on my own understanding - with all your heart, trust. Proverbs 3, I think with all our heart because even a little yeast...
We need to be filled with the words that matter, that heal, that really fill, that fill people - not my pots or my land. I sat in my chair while it was still dark and thought and spoke, of forgotten things and fresh purpose.
He never withholds without purpose... for our good always. Its no tactless edict. 'No' really means a 'yes' somehow... because He is for us. Deut 6.24
'Anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed' ~ Robert H Schuller
Tonight I lie next to her in the dark. She warm and smelling of soap. She talks before sleep of her dreams, 'Which can I do Mommy, I want to be a soccer player, a ballerina, a home-mom, a spy?'
We talk. I tell her that He know the plans He has for her and they are good, for He is good.
Oh how can we doubt Him!
'Mommy... mom-mmmy, that's one of my favourite words' she says.
He knows exactly what He is doing. I am not empty, I am full.
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