"Break up the fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord
Until He comes and rains righteousness on you"
Hosea 10.12
There could not be a more appropriate time than this to break up the ground of our hearts. To weed and dig, looking deep. Not just for a day but until... until... until that day of rain.
It is a daily walk of reflection and turning over.
This is the hard part.
The seeking... the praying... confessing and re confessing truth is the replanting
In Him is Hope.
In Him is Everything.
The New Seed grows strong because its not natural.
Was not spared but was sowed... for all time.
Any farmer knows you don't just seed among the thorns, or your fragile beauties will be chocked out.
First comes the breaking then comes the sowing
Then comes the harvest.
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