Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Our words come out as rain, sometimes like a rhythmic soothing rain that penetrates deep and brings life and at other times like the torrent of a storm that bruises the soul.

Yesterday morning was the latter, I lost my temper over such an insignificant thing. I spoke harshly to my daughter and there was no real time to mend before dropping her off at school - we left each other with heavy hearts.

When I arrived at her side later, I immediately got down on my knees and held her for the longest time... minutes of silence went by... hoping that an invisible thread would mend these little shards back together. Mercy creeps in. Peace follows.

I adore the account of the woman that washed and dried Jesus feet in Luke 7, with rare and costly perfume... her love was lavish because His mercy had been overwhelming. I know the feeling. Forgiveness is another word for love. Without it, bitterness creeps in and the shards become crevices.

My rare (we almost never have them) and costly (I did have to drive out of my usual route to her school - to get to Woolworths) offering was doughnuts. We finished reading Homer Price on Monday and doughnuts featured often, hence us having them for teatime yesterday.

As the day was drawing it's curtains, in a shower of rain... I thought it symbolic and fitting.

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