Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I've been a bit mopey this week with flu so haven't felt much like blogging, but in order to make myself feel better (especially while sipping slowly on ginger tea, yum, not!) I thought about all the things I love (besides the obvious stuff eg family etc). This list can actually go on for pages but I won't bore you (I hope).

Things I love...
Freshly ground good coffee (a vital need in the morning)
Wearing tracksuits (I could live in them - very sad)
Homemade marshmallows
Levi jeans
My green mug (I use it every morning)
Vanilla cake
French manicured nails
Short nails
Faulty Towers (Brit sitcom) - love Sybil
Freshly mowed lawn
Wearing sock (summer and winter)
Porcelain teacups
Proper silverware
Not going to the hairdresser
These trainers

The Amazing Race
Cabbage (seriously)
My grandmothers embroidered linens
Fresh laundry
Not brushing my hair
Playing chess and 30 Seconds
Vida coffee
Blueberry pancakes
Any movie with Sandra Bullock
Quiet time in the morning (peace, quiet and coffee)
Brazil Nut Toffees
When Rebecca sets the table (note her egg cup is being used as the salt dispenser)

Madagascar (movie) - very funny
New stationary
Going to movies
Sitting outside with Wayne having tea after Becca is asleep
Eating ripe cherries till you're wearing natural lipstick
Not cleaning
Apple Crumble
Spitting watermelon seeds right into the yard (gross? maybe)
Laughing (like when you can't stop)
Neil Diamond
Freshly baked bread
Wearing slippers (I'm wearing them now)

Happy thinking - about your favourite things!

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