I pray that you have all had the most wonderful joyous time with your families over this season... may His mercies be new every morning.
My sister and I were chatting about our favourite Christmas things, these are my favourites...
Favourite Christmas tradition
Hands down winner... putting up the Christmas tree with Rebecca on the first of December. She counts down the sleeps to it and we have hot chocolate and biscuits, and crank up the carols while putting up the decorations

Favourite song
Hark the Herald - always makes me want to cry
Favourite memory
I was about nine years old and my father took me shopping (he was often away so this was a treat) and he bought me a mint green dress and a little canvas bag with a flower motif. I loved that bag!
Favourite biscuit
Naturally the Gingerbread men
Favourite cd
Josh Groban's Noel
Favourite crockery
I love Christmas plates, t-shirts etc... its so cheerful! But my favourite thing is a mug that my niece Anastasia gave me last year. Everyone knows I have a mug fetish.

Favourite food
Turkey stuffing and Christmas pudding... okay this will be a long list... its all my favourite
Favourite movie
Elf... my sister and I watch it every year - so funny - you must see it!
Favourite family game
We love playing games while on holiday... I love 30 seconds
Favourite moments of Christmas 2010
Okay, there are two
Reading through His birth from the book of Luke to Rebecca every evening, from different bible translations...
Having Wayne's family at our home on Christmas eve... wonderful group of merry makers.
I love all the traditional things we do, they build such strong memories.
"Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people"
Luke 1.68